PA support and info Support for people looking to become a PA in Leeds is provided by the Leeds DP and PA Support Hub. PA Hub – Facebook If you are currently working as a PA and would like to contact your peers who are working in a similar situation. You can request to join the PA Hub Facebook group to discuss problems or just meet new people! Unison If you are interested in joining a union as a PA you can check out Unison who cover all sectors of public service workers. Skills for Care Skills for Care is an organisation who is committed to improving the PA role. They provide a lot of support to employers so they can provide training. If you are interested in receiving additional training in your PA role and it isn’t available through the Leeds CIL training and development services, it may be worthwhile looking at Skills for Care. ACAS If you are looking for any legal advice during your employment as a PA you can access ACAS’s free helpline on 0300 123 1100 or visit the ACAS website. Manage Cookie Preferences